How to Flourish and Prosper

Flourish and Prosper

(based on Chapter 21 of The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard)

Flourish: to be in a state of activity and production; expanding in influence, thriving, visibly doing well.
Prosper: to achieve economic success; succeeding at what one does.

There are times when some people in your immediate life or environment seek to crush you or knock you down in some way because you are visibly doing well and succeeding. Efforts to squash you, make you smaller, prevent you from reaching (communicating), make you uncertain about yourself or your communication and your ability to communicate or reach a goal, are all efforts by some to reduce you downward. For whatever reasons, your efforts to improve yourself and become happier in life can become the subject of attacks. I think most of us have experienced this at one time or another in our lives.

But whichever way this is done, it is done with the intention to make you grow less and fail in life. And the biggest and most effective lesson I have learned many years ago, is that the most efficient and sure way to deal with such attempts to defeat such people is not by force, but by flourishing and prospering!

If your aims in life are good and worthwhile and you are doing a good job of helping yourself and others, keep flourishing and prospering in the face of those who would seek to break you and you will win for sure. Every time.

I have used this principle for years and I believe it has a great deal to do with my successes. Being a rather chatty person by nature and generally willing and at ease when talking to people, I have learned to keep alert to business colleagues or ‘friends’ who are quick to negatively remark upon my chattiness and my communications, suggesting that talking to people is a ‘bad trait’, which  it isn’t. I have experienced countless instances of this and it would take a book to write them down.

I am sure that anyone can think of many instances in their lives when they were doing well and succeeding and someone tried to reduce their success. I would go so far as to say that if you can recognise and acknowledge that the majority of people in this world are good and well intentioned, and that it is only a minority of people who will try to put you down, and if you can recognise those people, then you can do something about it very quickly.

And the simplest way to do something about the problem is to flourish and prosper!! Don’t reduce yourself because someone says so. Hit back at any attempts to make you fail by simply concentrating on doing well, on winning, on communicating and ignore the negative individuals. It is not worth spending time on them.

So my advice is this:

Learn the principles of the The Way to Happiness and see how you could apply them;

think for yourself and communicate!


And when someone is trying to put you down, or destroy your dreams, or reduce your abilities, or make you uncertain about your communication, then recognise it for what it is and communicate even more! Do even better, associate yourself with people who are well-intentioned (by actions, not just by words), people who like to see others succeed and do well. In my experience, a majority of people are willing to help and will do so.

Keep an attitude of flourishing and prospering! This is truly the best way to win.

* For the full article and video about flourishing and prospering in the face of oppression or attacks, read
Chapter 21 ‘Flourish and Prosper’ in The Way to Happiness book on The Way to Happiness Foundation official website.


Course Overview
The Cause of Suppression Course

Why are some people ill more often than others? Why are some accident-prone? And is there a reason others live their lives on an emotional seesaw, doing well one day and badly the next?

There is an explanation, and it has nothing to do with the gods, fate or the position of the stars. In fact, the actual reason behind these phenomena—and their resolution—is provided in Scientology.

L. Ron Hubbard was able to see through the complexities of human behavior and discover the underlying factors which explain the phenomenon of suppression in people—for it is suppression by others that causes these seemingly haphazard events.

In his writings in this booklet and corresponding course, you will find out how to recognize people who wish you ill and those who should be your friends. You’ll discover why some people do poorly in life and how you can help them regain their well-being. You’ll learn about the mechanics behind this destructive yet commonplace situation and ways to counteract them. It is data that could actually change your life tangibly and instantly, just as it has changed the lives of others.

The FREE online course is available on the Volunteer Ministers educational platform:

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